Thursday, May 26, 2011


It's coming up on time to say goodbye to the original three kittens. They go next week to get fixed and have a second round of shots. Then after a couple of recovery days, they'll go over to PetSmart where I'm reasonably sure they'll be adopted by wonderful families who for whatever reason, decided they need companionship in the form of a cat. I'm sure most will get new names that suit their owners and my coffee table will go back to looking like it used to. Boring, but functional. Stella will probably think something's gone awry but like Domino, she'll adjust.

Speaking of Stella, we have a temporary house guest whose home was wrecked by a fallen tree. Stella has pretty much disowned me (except at meal times - of course) in favor of the new guy. She sits up on the bed with him and when I call her she just looks at me as if to say "Who are you again?" There's a word for that but I won't say it.

Stella and Walter, living it up on my futon.

The three of us went down to the fairgrounds today and there was a woman walking her dog there that I'd met a couple of years ago. A professional dog owner, she walks her dogs regularly without leashes. I let Stella off the leash too since it's all fenced in down there anyway and she immediately went to the creek. We've never been off leash at a creek before so you can imagine what came next.

Wallowing. Head-completely-under-muddy water, digging up sticks, sort of wallowing, followed by bounding through waist high grass and weeds and more wallowing. In between the two was a fair amount of beaming on Stella's part. I think her favorite thing is being off leash. When we finally got back to the car (and this was after fifteen minutes at most) she was completely soaked with mud and grass, cockleburs, and God knows what. Throw in some chiggers and a tick or two and you get the idea.

Our friends from the cemetery walk (and I've been meaning to say this for a few weeks now and just haven't thought of it) - were given a lecture about the leash laws a couple of times by a bored park policeman. The property is enclosed by a stone fence except for two very long driveways. Anyway, he caught up with them again recently during their early morning ritual whereupon he proceeded to write them four separate tickets at $75. apiece. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

Yeah, I know, it's the law and it's a very effective law in most instances. I think there should be some flexibility though. Maybe a workshop that teaches police officers to use some rational discretion, some common-sense interpretation, particularly when it comes to that chaotic underworld of outlaw dog walkers.


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Susan, I gotta say...this post is full of FAIL!

1. No pictuers of Stella nd her friend on the bed

2. No pictures of Stella covered in mud, playing with

3. Dogs being fined by bored cops

Tell your friends to be thankful they weren't in SoCal. I recieved a two $500.00 fines, 1 for each dog, for having them on the beach in Playa del Ray. That was over 20 years ago!

Kari in Alaska said...

oh man, would have loved to see her muddy!


SusanA said...

Of course you were right Cyndi! The best I can do however is the one of her and Walter hanging out in my living room together. I'm just speechless about your version of the ticket story. Kari: I think I could recreate that mud scene at any point in time! Stay tuned :)

Two Pitties in the City said...

So crazy about the tickets! There are some places where that is so needed (aka: our block in the middle of a busy Chicago neighborhood where people think it's cool to let their pooches run around off leash and antagonize other dogs/people) but of course, they never get caught.

Susan Rose said...

Susan, it's a shame you can't charge rent. Stella would owe the most since she leans so heavily on your concierge services. The kitties could easily get by on their cuteness. And Walter... I'll bet he can wash windows (ha ha).

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Susan, I'm lovin' that Stella is going to be my calendar girl for the next month!

With regard to Stella's similarities to Rain and Stumpy, I think it's the naughty spots!

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

I swear..the cats on the coffee table look like part of the display..all Zen and all :-)

Anonymous said...

Have I told you lately that I love Stella, and that I love you, too?

Walter's luminous smile tells me he does, too.

SusanA said...

Beth - thanks we have some big love for you too and it's a joy whenever any of you check in on us :)