Saturday, April 18, 2009

Puppy Dreams

People are shocked sometimes to learn that I never did let Stella sleep in my bed. They're equally shocked when I tell them that despite my banning her from the bed, I've been known to sleep in the floor with her on occasion. Apparently that makes me a bigger freak than having a big honking cover-snatching dog in the bed with me every night.

This was taken on the first day I brought Stella home. When she finally did fall asleep that day, she had no trouble figuring out where to do it. It took exactly two and a half months for her to completely outgrow this bed and now she has one that I found on sale at Mammoth Dog Beds. It's pretty uptown for a dog that might otherwise be sleeping on asphalt.


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

I'm with you on both points: I prefer not to have my cat in my bed, and I can see lying on the floor with the dog, too.

I have a bachelor friend that has an entire old twin sized bed in his living room for his large dog. His living space is quite small, but it somehow "works."

Pee Wee said...

Early days indeed. Is that Baby Giraffe sharing the bed with Stella?

Susan Rose said...

I think I would be on the floor with Stella too... but only when she wasn't in the bed (at the foot, not up in my face).

Yannie said...

Cute pic. you captured stella perfectly.