Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Spring Clean


This past Saturday I had someone come to give the meadow its annual haircut. It made the backyard so big that Stella and I played out there nearly all afternoon. Up to that point we'd had an invasion or rather I should say, a long visit from a flock of robins. Not everyone enjoyed this feathery wonderland but I was mesmerized. Unfortunately, they moved on when the mower came. 

I had planned to have someone cut the portion of the Cottonwood tree (on the left) that fell last summer but now that everything else is removed I think some free wheeling flowery vine on the trunk could be a nice transition. Not sure what'll grow back there in the shade but maybe there's something...


Beth said...

That second photo, with Stella's soulful (soul-full?) look really got me. I watched Westminster for the first time ever, I guess because I am about to die for lack of a canine friend. Sigh.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Stella just gets more beautiful each time I see her.

And the new digs are really NICE!

Susan Rose said...

I have missed seeing Stella's beautiful doggy face, so this post is a wonderful treat. Stella is "eye candy" for PB lovers. I'm sure she will stay busy sniffing out every bit of business that occurred in the meadow while it was overgrown. I know you'll have fun this spring when things start coming alive.

Please don't stay gone so long. :)